Center for
High Entropy Alloy

Center for high entropy alloy (Director: Prof. Hyoung Seop Kim) was established based on the Creative Materials Discovery Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea. The center aims to develop multi-functional high entropy alloys (HEAs) for extreme environments by applying unique research methodologies of Integrated computational materials engineering, materials informatics, and experimental analysis.

Unlike conventional alloys, HEAs are composed of multi-principal elements, and this multi-component alloy design concept provides more than five million alloy combinations that can be designed. The center focuses on the development of high-performance materials and processing based on multi-physics full-scale integrated modeling, which enables an efficient adjustment of constituent elements for superior properties in an infinite compositional space under extreme conditions. Through this unique strategy, we expect to pave ways for industrial applications of high entropy alloys.

Materials Research
Center for Batteries

Materials Research Center for Batteries is a research center that focuses on designing novel materials and novel devices for battery systems and next generation battery systems by using integrating and collaborating research resource in MSE, and creates value to move forward toward the practical applications.  The research center is composed of several POSTECH research groups in the field of the ceramics, polymer, and semiconductors that collaborate their own expertises and skills with other groups to understand materials’ properties and utilize the materials in the practical applications

Center for
Information Materials

The Center for Information Materials is a research center aimed to integrate and collaborate research resource in MSE and develop new materials for IT devices.  The research center is composed of POSTECH research groups in the field of the synthesis of semiconductors, ceramics and polymer, the analysis of semiconductors, ceramics. The research center focuses on the development of emerging materials to remarkably enhance the performance of electronic/photonic devices with high speed, low power consumption, high sensitivity, multi-functionality.

Hyosung-POSTECH University-Industry
Integration Research Center

The Hyosung-POSTECH Research Center is a joint research center aimed at taking university-industry collaboration to a higher level and was opened in April 2017 as part of POSTECH’s “University-Industry Integration” initiative. The research center is composed of POSTECH research groups in the field of metals, nano and machining, and researchers from Hyosung. The center’s research focuses on developing next generation steel cords, the company’s main product, to bring Hyosung to the top in the global market.

Center for Energy Materials
with Single Atomic Layer (CEMSAL)

CEMSAL was founded in 2019 based on the government research grant for future materials discovery project. Main PI is Prof. Yong-Tae Kim in MSE, POSTECH and 11 co-PIs from POSTECH, KAIST, GIST, UNIST, PAL, and Hanwha Chemical are actively participate in the development of energy materials with single atomic layer. CEMSAL is focused on the design of new energy materials based on a unique p-d hybridization concept rather than the conventional d-band engineering, which enables us to independently control the adsorption strength of intermediates from that of reactants or products in the reaction process. This unique strategy for the design of energy materials is expected to overcome the limitation of efficiency enhancement by breaking the scaling relation in energy conversion and storage process on electrode surfaces.

AI-based materials
imaging & analysis center

AI-based materials imaging & analysis center aims to facilitate the infrastructure to unveil the materials properties based on the materials imaging technique as well as the machine learning technique. Our center pursues the interdisciplinary collaboration and accordingly achieves the win-win relationship in the field of materials science.

Center for Single Atom-based
Semiconductor Device

In the rapidly growing IoT market, it is necessary to develop ultra-low-power semiconductor device technology, but it is difficult to satisfy device requirements using conventional silicon MOSFET technology. As an alternative, we are developing a new 2-terminal device using atomic-level ion control technology. Through this, we develop core technology for nanoscale memory, switch, and battery device and investigate operation principle.


Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have rapidly replaced conventional light sources because of their high efficiency, long life, and environmental friendliness. These LEDs are used in various fields such as display, automobile, digital signage, and lighting. To successfully replace conventional light sources, the quantum efficiency of LEDs should be further increased. For the LED with high quantum efficiency, various technologies such as epitaxy growth of multi quantum wells, device fabrication, light extraction technique, and high-efficiency phosphor should be developed. In consideration of the diversity and complexity of the research contents, POSTECH LED Center was established in 2011 by gathering experts from various semiconductor field of the department of MSE in POSTECH. The research center focuses on the realization of high-efficiency LEDs by development of growth of high-quality epitaxy LED layers, fabrication process of LED, analysis technique of LED, development of high-efficiency phosphor, LED packaging, and light extraction technique. Finally, we aims to commercialization and globalization of our high-quality LEDs.

Smart Healthcare Materials Research Institute

Since 4th Industrial Revolution, Research on the development of Smart Healthcare System based on multidisciplinary convergence is actively implemented worldwide. Smart Healthcare Materials Research Institute is established to develop an innovative wearable or in vivo implant device for healthcare based on multifunctional materials, chemical, bio, medical, electronic and IoT convergence technologies.
